It’s raining nonstop in northern Virginia I thought why don’t I start reading SKA (Sadhana Ke Anubhav, a 7-volume book on Guru Maharaj’s own spiritual journey) one more time. As…
Our soul radiates peace and joy when pure. Spiritual practices are a mechanism to remove all the impurities and wrappings that have trapped our soul. When this happens, we can…
It’s a bit of a cold day in my nook of the woods. I frequently visit this cafe I am sitting in and sipping my delicious cup of Java. I…
Who can forget respected Papaji’s (Dr, Narendra Kumar) most famous discourse on ‘sugar and salt’? I am ever so grateful to have heard it in person. Even a novice like…
Chintan is being in a state of constantly remembering your IshtaAs I woke up on the morning of Holi, I remembered Param Pujya Papa Ji always insisted on Chintan; which…
Traditional worship generally does not elevate anyone spiritually, and neither can it make anyone experience God. Traditional forms of worship are not needed for spiritual upliftment. That benefit only comes…
We can classify disciples found in satsangs into three categories. These are preliminary disciples, actual or real disciples and, loving or affectionate disciples. Guru Maharaj With His DisciplesPreliminary/Exploratory Disciples …
When we pray to God, we need to do it with complete faith. We send our prayers to God each day, but we always feel that our prayers are not…
Question: What are the main qualities which endear a person to God and help in his spiritual progress? Guru Maharaj’s Response: Let me tell you a story in response to…
11- God loves everyone irrespective of caste and creed and has no specific language to pray. He understands and gives blessings to all those who prays with total devotion. 12-…