Our today and Society
Yugpurush Paramsant Shri Hemendra Kumar ji
Sadhan June 2019
The root cause for human suffering and bondage is ignorance. Today, there is a dark monster tendency in society, Ravanism, demonism, Kanshatva and duryodhan instinct, that is why man has become the cause of man’s tribulation. Today, the society is grieving. Humanity is suffering.
At such a time, Samarth Guru, Paramasant, Shri Dr. Chatarbhuj Sahai ji came to this earth. Param Pujya Gurumaharaj did not tell the spirituality path alone for human beings, but also the simple practice of reaching out to the dharma and the community. The practice of sanctifying conscience, imparting pure knowledge and making it into practice and conduct, was placed before the human society. The spiritual satsang was named as “Sadhana”.
We may take inspiration from the past years today, it is okay. Today, we may sing the pride of the past ages-it is also a little right. But today we should make true and better use of our today – it is more correct.
And today’s true utilisation is “Self-vision” and “Divine-vision”.
The result of self-visualisation is that we begin to see everything in the image of the divine. The fruit of this is love, pure love, service, service and service. Physical service, mental service and spiritual service; This love and service of the society and the whole world ahead of it – because there is one in all. Today, dharma is often spoken about in the world. However, instead of increasing numbers of pious and spiritual souls, there appears to be progressive increase in those who are blind to spirituality and largely self-serving. The reason is that while talking about dharma; people forget to realise that the very soul of dharma or religion is spirituality. Spirituality is a wonderful light of power. It makes us true human beings. True Hindu, true Muslim, makes true Christians. Spirituality-inspired religion shows us that the world is our family and all beings are our families. Our spiritual practice is the practice that teaches us to love the world and to love the Divine; in this life.
This spiritual practice is not only for the country, for the whole world, without which human beings in the world are unhappy, unfulfilled and disturbed. There is still time to achieve this. Adopt this practice, Guru Maharaj will definitely help us. Om.