Sadhna ke anubhav( vol 2)Pages 68-71Param Pujaya Gurumaharaj1/16/22 ”Vitarkvadhne pratipakshbhavnam” this quote from Maharishi Patanjali instructs us that in a yoga practice, when challenged with roadblocks, loss of resolve, and …
Satsang and Vivek- requisites for a true seeker Param Pujya GurumaharajSadhan, October 1997 Preface by Param Pujaya Narendra Kumar Ji PrefaceTo acquire Vivek (discerning wisdom), obtain a vision of the…
Parampujya Panditji MaharajSadhan , Sept 200501/02/22 Most people in the world remain completely engrossed in their worldly affairs. They do not even think about spiritual matters or the Almighty, resulting…
Sadhana ke anubhav Pages 14-16 Parma Pujya Gurumaharaj 02/13/22 🙏🙏🙏🙏 While it is not easy to find an able and complete Guru when trying to select the right spiritual practice…
The baggage of subconscious impressions ( sanskaras) accumulated over time is the aberration that prevents a person on the spiritual path from reaching the desired state. If one can find…
Dharam Megha Samadhi , Samayavastha , Sahaj Samadhi Parampujya Gurumaharaj Yoga philosophy Aur Naveen Sadhana Pages 25 and 26 4/3/22 I have described the five samadhi's of the manomaya kosh…
Yoga philosophy Aur Navin Sadhana Param Pujya Gurumaharaj Pages 31 , 34,35 04/17/22 When we decide to orient our lives towards achieving oneness with the supreme, the forces that want…
Internal happiness and Vairagya Param Pujya Premmurti Dr Narendra Kumarji. Sadhan March 2022 Pages 13 and 15 The happiness and sorrow that we experience in any situation relate to our…
Sadhan February 2022 Param Pujya Gurumaharaj 5/22/22 If we want to please someone, if we want to make a place for ourselves in someone's heart, and if we want to…
Pages 11-15 Param Pujya Guru Maharaj The Almighty is a source of light and energy even more powerful than innumerable suns put together. With practice or by the benevolence of…