Paramsant Sri Ramchandra Ji (Dada Guru)
Born on February 2, 1873 in north Indian province of Mainpuri
He studied English, Urdu, and Farsi and worked in a Government office in Farukhabad, India. He received spiritual initiation from a spiritually enlightened man and a follower of Islam, Maulana Shah Fazal Ahmad Khan Sahib (Huzur Maharaj), who would later pass on the spiritual torch to Dada Guru.
Prayer is the food for human mind.
Feeling the presence (of Guru or God) at all times, in all situations is true knowledge (Gyan – Epitome of Knowledge).
To be happy in all situations is the quintessential duty of human beings.
Don’t hurt anyone. Keep heart clean of desires.
Avoid company of nonbelievers.
There is no reason to show off. Our objective is to keep our Guru or God happy and live as per his will.
Strive towards self-less service for all human kind and avoid taking help from others.
Pray – God, please fill me up with your devotion

Paramsant Dr. Chaturbhuj Sahay ji (Sri Guru Maharaj)
Born on November 3, 1883 in the Etah district of north India
He studied English, Hindi, Urdu, Farsi, and Sanskrit. He had a degree in electro-homeopathy and also had basic knowledge of Ayurveda that he genuinely used for selfless social service. Dada Guru passed on the unique tool of Sadhana, our system of meditation to Guru Maharaj in 1919, and Guru Maharaj gave that to the whole world.
Guru Maharaj said, “Peace is a state signified by the absence of duality – a state not disturbed by the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of desires, not affected by states of duality: happiness-sorrows, craving-aversions, like-dislikes, etc. As almost everyone experiences his life swinging on the pendulums of duality, Peace has eluded most of us. In reality, Peace is true happiness. Peace is the state beyond Maya. Peace is Nirvana. Peace is the ultimate resting place of soul. Peace is the birthright of every individual. Though acquiring it is a birthright, the vast majority of people do not even look for it, as they have not truly experienced it. There are many obstacles in the path of getting to and staying in the Kingdom of Peace: we have to put up fights with demonic as well as non-demonic forces. We must remove all kinds of barriers before having a glimpse of it.
Guru Maharaj also stated that surrendering to God is an extremely difficult task, requiring a great deal of devotion and faith. It is not easy to make the mind devoid of everything and focus on an abstraction. It is one of the most difficult undertakings to bring back the wandering mind from the four corners onto a single, abstract thought. Even those who have moved very high up the ladder of spirituality are known to have failed in the process of complete surrender. Therefore, start with the process of Surrender to the Guru; Surrender to God will follow.

Param Pujyaa Indira Devi ji (Jiya Maa)
Born in 1900 in the Barhan district of north India
Param Pujyaa Jiya Maa was married to Sri Guru Maharaj. She had cooperated with Guru Maharaj at every step of the way, and not only took care of the house-hold duties, but also quietly joined His work of teaching meditation and the practice of Sadhana through her presence during meditation sessions. Her sweet and warm behavior attracted innumerable spiritual practitioners to RSM
Jiya Maa had vast spiritual powers, which she accomplished by serving all the Satsangis, who came to her house, and by doing service to Dada Guru. Despite being the head of such a large Satsang, Jiya Maa neither gave any lecture nor did she preach. Instead, she used the greatest tradition of communication, where the message is silently transferred from one soul to another. Due to this method of teaching, every Sadhak or Acharya was able to find a change in his/her spiritual state. Furthermore, each Sadhak or Acharya was also able to find answers to their spiritual queries in their heart and thus, was able to experience spiritual satisfaction. With her pious and affectionate behavior, tolerance, service, and loving closeness with others, like an elder loving mother, she wanted the entire world to live in peace and to progress.

Param Pujya Pundit Mihilal Ji
Born on January 1, 1901 in the Agra district of north India.
Pundit Mihilal Ji was a school head master. He became a disciple of Sri Guru Maharaj after he met Guru Maharaj in 1931, and later on contributed immensely to RSM. Guru Maharaj prepared Pundit ji to join his spiritual work and look after the propagation of the Satsang. Pundit Mihilal Ji had the most important and extensive contributions in the propagation and proliferation of the Satsang. The current form of the Satsang in India is mainly due to his ardent hard work.
Pundit Ji Maharaj said, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”. As the cleanliness increases, the separation or distance from God decreases. Cleanliness in absolution would signify complete absence of any kind of impurities. We understand a great deal about the environmental impurities that make our bodies, our clothes, our homes, our drinking water, and our breathing air dirty. Most of these impurities affect our physical wellness and make us feel uneasy. These are within the realm of our sense organs to perceive, mostly manmade and can be reversed. However, there are other impurities, which the sense organs cannot perceive that surround our soul, make our inner core dirty, and act like a “Stop Sign” on the road to Peace and Liberation. We set aside bad thought waves as sin. We consider good thought waves to be superior and cling on to them for the rest of our lives. If the weight of both kinds of thoughts can be removed, we can very easily and nicely cross this ocean of being.

Param Pujya Dr. Brijendra Kumar Ji
Born on September 4, 1919 in the Kosi district (near Mathura) of north India
Dr. Brijendra Kumar Ji was the eldest son of Sri Guru Maharaj. He was a civil surgeon. In the guardianship of Jiya Maa and Pundit Mihilal Ji, Dr. Brijendra Kumar Ji conducted Satsang’s activities with full devotion. He contributed immensely towards the propagation of the Satsang.
Dr. Brijendra Kumar Ji said that the first and foremost important thing that seekers need for spiritual progress is faith. We must have faith in our Guide (Guru), and faith in his instructions. We must follow the spiritual practice (Sadhana) as instructed. The second important thing is service (Seva), service of the mission (Satsang family) and its members (Satsangi). An element of the service is to spread Guru’s mission but that does not imply that every mission worker becomes a teacher and starts teaching. For spiritual progress it is not at all required to become a teacher. Therefore we shall faithfully continue the spiritual practice as instructed by the Guru. We will certainly receive Guru’s grace and God’s grace at appropriate time.

Param Pujya Dr. Narendra Kumar Ji
Born on December 3, 1930 in the Etah district of north India
Dr. Narendra Kumar Ji was the youngest son of Sri Guru Maharaj. He was a professor at a University in Jaipur. He had started to contribute to Satsang activities, while Pundit Mihilal Ji and Dr. Brijendra Kumar Ji were present. He continued the RSM work and after retirement from the University, started focusing on Satsang activities fulltime, devoting his life to propagation and proliferation of the Satsang; and thus, selflessly serving Guru Maharaj’s mission.
Dr. Narendra Kumar Ji said that if you can connect yourself with the Sat-Chit-Ananda even for a small amount of time, you would stay in peace for the whole day, though the world will remain unchanged. Happiness-sorrows are not in the state of affairs. They belong to the state of mind. If we can craft our mental state such that we do not experience pain while in sufferings then we can live in peace and happiness. This is the technique that leads us to – “Do not suffer the pain though living the sufferings.” Happiness lies in getting rid of thought waves. If we can empty our minds of the pain producing thought waves, we can experience happiness, and we “do not suffer the pain though living the sufferings.”

Param Pujya Sri Hemendra Kumar ji
Born on September 7, 1922 in the Etah district of north India
Dr. Hemendra Kumar Ji was the 2nd eldest son of Sri Guru Maharaj. He had graduated from a law school. He headed the Ramashram Satsang family until 2010 February, before he left for heavenly abode. In a selfless manner he served Guru Maharaj’s mission and continued the great heritage into the 21st century.
The essence of discipleship, the essence of being a true follower of Guru Maharaj is the awareness of His presence. Cultivate your lifestyle according to his teachings. If you were conscious and aware of this presence, his presence actually would be hundredfold more; you feel it a hundredfold more. If you are either in a state of forgetfulness or a state of distracted attention, with your thoughts elsewhere, then his presence does not lessen one bit, but you deprive yourself of his presence to that extent. Therefore, cultivate the consciousness of the permanent and perennial presence of the Guru.